Partners in Primary Care and Family Physicians Group

Partners in Primary Care and Family Physicians Group

Louisville, Kentucky, United States Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Company Information

We provide innovative, senior-focused primary care services with an emphasis on quality over quantity. What differentiates us from many traditional Primary Care practices is that we follow a Value-Based Model of Medicine. Therefore, our providers see in-between 15-16 patients per day and have more time to spend with each patient and truly provide quality care.

At Partners in Primary Care and Family Physicians Group, we believe and practice that healthy patients are possible only by a healthy staff. That's why we limit our physicians' patient panels and support our physicians with a team that includes Physician Extenders, Medical Assistants, Care Coaches, Referral Specialists, Certified Coders, and experienced Administrative staff. Because of our Care Team approach, our patients have come to trust us to meet all their health needs. We work hard to deliver a level of care that provides them with the respect and dignity they rightfully deserve.

Family Physicians Group - practices throughout Central FL and the greater Orlando area

Partners in Primary Care - practices in North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Kansas and Missouri

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