Femwell Group

Femwell Group

Here, you’ll find a collegial group that comprises practices of all different sizes covering a broad range of specialties. And that’s what sets us apart. We believe when like-minded physicians connect, the future is bright.  
Miami, Florida, United States Miami, Florida, United States

Company Information

We’re a different kind of organization – multi-specialty, single goal. We are united to ensure that those who practice medicine experience intellectually, emotionally, and financially rewarding careers. With us, you’ll find an office with the clout of a large group, and the administrative support of a proven Management Services Organization (MSO). By joining one of our practices, you have the benefit of a strong peer community.

Company History

Femwell Group Health was created in 1997 to help physicians run their practices more efficiently and be better equipped to care for their patients. We now support hundreds of physicians in the state of Florida—from Miami to Jacksonville—with services designed to manage and grow their practices. As a leading management services organization, Femwell focuses on operational health, so physicians can focus on their patients’ health.