


Our Physician Services Include:

•An expert, strategic approach to physician recruitment, offering assistance and advice.
•Consultation regarding nationwide demand for specific physician specialties.
•Consultation on current employment incentive packages and payment structure.
•Comprehensive review with physicians regarding all aspects of a facility and community.
•A complete interview itinerary and travel plan provided by your physician recruiter.
•Contract negotiation support from your physician recruiter.
•Follow-up to ensure a smooth transition to a new practice.
Pompano Beach, Florida, United States Pompano Beach, Florida, United States

Company Information

ARDOR MD is a Physician Staffing Company specializing in Permanent placements. We deliver unmatched customer service and present only qualified candidates that meet the specific parameters of our clients.

Company History

With over 12 years within the permanent physician placement vertical, Ardor MD’s mission is to match physicians with facilities in the most efficient way, while exceeding the expectations of both. This is accomplished through extensive, individualized screening, continual market research, and a relentless pursuit of mutually beneficial results.

We are obsessed with providing an exceptional customer experience that leads to long-term partnerships in the unique communities we serve.
Our moto is "Pursuing Passion and Excellence in all we do"

Company Contact

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